A Lesson From A Student
Have you ever questioned what you are doing? If you are making a difference? Are you doing the 'right' thing? Have you had dark days when you wondered 'Why do I bother?'
I have.
There have been times when I have engaged in a whirlwind of thoughts and have questioned my skills, my ability to teach, to manage and motivate and have asked myself "What am I doing wrong?"
This is why I have this on my desk.
I received this letter from a past student and this line still centers me every time I read it.
"You know those rare teachers who who deeply impact you during your life? You have without a double been like that to me. You are so passionate with your learning and it's infectious to the students you teach. I hope you know what an amazing teacher you are. It is clear you care about your students and Japanese."
It reminds me of the power we have as teachers when we open ourselves up to expose both our limitations and also our own learning and growth journey.
So to you Miss A-I say ありがとうございます!