Less Is More
In the case of language learning, this is key. Everyone has the capacity to acquire new languages when they move away from memorising long lists of vocabulary and practicing them.
For beginners the goal of language learning should always be on acquiring the structures of the language of a small set of vocabulary and focusing on becoming fluent.
SUPER SEVEN: The most basic concepts can be expressed with 7 essential words.
- LOCATION: います [be at] IMASU
- VOLITION: たいです [wants] TAI
- POSSESSIONーあります [there is/exists] ARIMASU **
- EXISTENCE-います/あります [There is/are] IMASU/ARIMASU
- IDENTITYーです [is/are/am] DESU
- PREFERENCE-すき [likes] SUKI
**Please note: At JapanEasyReads we focus on simplifying the language for beginning readers and limiting language chunks so that our books are easily comprehended and readers quickly build their reading proficiency and language acquisition. The verb arimasu expresses the existence of something and this is used in all books in our Beginners Series. The verb mochimasu which is used to own or carry something is introduced later in the series.
These Super 7 words give learners ways to quickly communicate about
- what they have or don't have
- what they want
- where they are
- where they are going
- who they are
- what things are
- what they like or don't like
The Super 7 Words + Question Words= Rapid communication in Japanese
Mastery of these essential words along with question words give learners an enormous capacity to quickly and easily communicate in basic Japanese.

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